48 Hours at Japan's Biggest Snow Festival
Sapporo snow festival is one of Japan's most popular annual events, but does it live up to the hype? We spent 48 hours in the city, eating, drinking and getting serenaded by random people....
48 Hours at Japan's Biggest Snow Festival
Sapporo snow festival is one of Japan's most popular annual events, but does it live up to the hype? We spent 48 hours in the city, eating, drinking and getting serenaded by random people....
I Tasted Kobe Beef for the First Time | A5 Japanese Wagyu
We taste A5 Kobe Beef (A5), the highest grade of beef in Japan and have our taste buds ignited. What better way to spend our time in Kobe of Day 18 of Journey Across Japan (and send off Pete)....
24 Hours in Osaka | 6 Things to do in Japan's Nightlife Capital
Osaka is Japan's nightlife capital; a vibrant city home to amazing food and people. On Day 17 of Journey Across Japan we spend a night out taking in the city! Leave us a LIKE if you enjoyed joining our night out!...
24 Hours in Kyoto | Japan's Best Monkey Park
Kyoto Monkey Park is loved by all. We make our way through it and uncover the mysterious monster street on Day 16 of Journey Across Japan with Pete Donaldson....
I Got Lost in Kyoto with only a Paper Map
Kyoto is difficult to navigate with Google Maps, let alone using a paper map. On Day 15 of Journey Across Japan we get lost in Kyoto....
Natsuki: The Movie (Life in Japan Documentary)
Burnt out and suffering from a mid life crisis, the eccentric Natsuki decides to take an emergency one-in-a-lifetime trip to Europe. Surprisingly, not everything goes according to plan....
Tokyo Government to release official dating app!
Sexy stuff indeed......
Survey says majority of Japanese 'do not feel friendly' toward China
Hullo me old China - Pete and Chris are here for more Abroad In Japan hi-jinx!...
U.S. records confirm 12 U.S. soldiers died from Hiroshima A-bomb
And we'll be back on Sunday for more Abroad In Japan fun!...
Japanese Travellers Stressed Sitting Alongside Strangers on Planes
Professional climbers Pete and Chris return to your ears for another AIJ MEGASHOW!...
Nuisance Foreign Streamer Fined ¥200,000 & Kicked Out of Japan
We're sure that little idiot will return, one day. Yeesh!...
How to get rich in Japan!
The Abroad In Japan show is a work of fiction. They're toasty warm, really!...
The Japanese Compliment That Sounds Like an Insult!
Pete's burned off his fingerprints to evade capture by the feds, and Chris is going all out for 2024!...
Earthquake On The West Coast of Honshu
A 7.5-magnitude earthquake struck the Japan Sea coast on Monday, flattening towns on the remote Noto peninsula....
Nearly Half of Young Japanese Men Have Never Had a Girlfriend
Sexy stuff indeed. And by sexy, we mean not very sexy stuff at all....
The Worst Thing You Can Do On a Tokyo Train
Chris is back in his unlovable hotel room, and Pete's car importing nightmare is drawing to a close, you'll be pleased to learn......
Something Strange and Unexplained is Happening in Hokkaido!
Well Chris has been there, for one!...
How Pete Got Robbed in London ft American Pete!
We'll be back on our usual schedule very soon, once Chris manages to defrost - in the meantime here's a show recorded on the road with none other than American 'crime magnet' Pete!...
The Hardest Thing about Moving to Japan? Feat. Sharla
With Chris' journey across Japan putting pay to our Wednesday pod release this week - we thought we'd make it up to you by bringing you Sharla for our Sunday show. Enjoy!...
On the road in a tiny car, with Natsuki and Ryotaro!
21 days. A 2,000km Journey Across Japan - and Ryotaro has joined the crew!...
The Most Awkward Conversation with a Stranger on a Japanese Train
Oh dear. Oh dear, oh dear....
Hilton Hotels Vs. Japan: How Offensive was Their Removed Commercial?
Do you prefer a personal touch when it comes to hotels? [email protected] to get in touch!...
Why Japanese Hospitality is Insanely Great
We would probably have slipped over and chucked the luggage under a train or something....
Abroad in Japan’s Biggest Ever Project Kicks off in December!
Fear for Christopher. Fear for him!...
How $250,000 of Japanese Kit Kats Got Stolen in America
If you like Kit Kats so much, why don't you STEAL A MASSIVE LORRY FULL...
Why Teaching English in Japan Just Got Harder...
No puking at your desk, under pain of termination!...
Japan’s Electric Car Boom!
Petey and Chrissy will return in a few days time sucking up all that delicious podcast electricity from the podcast electric terminals, or something....
Is Japan using Using AI actors to avoid Scandal?
Our (very fallible human) boys will return on Wednesday night UK time for more tales from the East!...
Is THIS Japan's Ugliest Place?
How proper blimmin' rude!...
The Foreign Youtuber Riding Japan’s Trains Without Paying
Who needs a JR pass when you're a massive d*ckhead?!...